Our dear departed friend Bob H knew where his marbles were but that was not always the case! Alcohol causes deterioration of our mental abilities and like other diseases when we quit it takes time for our bodies to recover - there is a common belief that after 5 years you will have recovered enough to say "I have all my marbles back" - Alcoholism is a deadly disease which left to its devices will destroy our brains to the point of no recovery often called wet brain. We are the fortunate ones who through AA have been given an opportunity to recover but it can take time and persistence to benefit fully from the promises of the program. I drank for decades and when I stopped, like a child, I wanted to see all the promises immediately. The truth is that some things take time and with the help of those who have recovered their marbles and the patient encouragement of our family of AA we will awaken to a new life - a life full of gratitude, joy and a heart of service - just like our friend Bob.