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Black out drinker

I know where my car is now...

There are fewer worse feelings than waking up and not knowing what I did last night. Bruises on my hands make me think I must have been in a fight but I do not hurt anywhere else. Turns out I was pounding against a brick wall shouting "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired"


My friends had put me to bed and made sure I was lying on my side in case I vomited again. The next day I went to my first AA meeting and since then I have not woken up unable to remember the events of the night before. Day by day and step by step the last 5 years have been the most difficult and the most rewarding of my life.


I now have relationships with people from all walks of life who open up their lives and sometimes their homes to welcome me and teach me the things they have learned since they discovered their higher power through the fellowship known as Alcoholics Anonymous


Al A. Non



The rooms of AA, whether virtual or physical, have provided me a place of friendship where I can unload what is going on in my life and mind without the millstone of judgement or condemnation - where else could I go to find this genuine love but a room full of drunks!



The promises of AA provide hope in an otherwise dark existence, an expectation that if I continue on this path step by step I will find that my life has become more of what I always dreamed it could be

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