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Hybrid meetings are the new normal

COVID brought in the challenge to help the suffering alcoholic in a new way - actually on-line meetings were around before then but March 2020 was the time when zoom and other technologies allows us to continue to offer anyone with a desire to stop drinking a way to connect to others. Now that people are getting the vaccine and returning to physical locations we are seeing the hybrid meeting becoming more popular. Another advantage is that we are seeing people who are physically unable to come to meeting calling in an enhancing our experience by their presence in the virtual group! People who have moved away from the area are still able to maintain contact, people from other states and even countries are calling in and adding to the variety of the meetings. We even had someone from Wales, UK as a speaker and he said the serenity prayer in Welsh!

Some will lament the "good old days" of when we could all look into each others eyes, hug each other, enjoy the coffee and donuts and have a smoke together outside. The hybrid meeting brings together the best of both options and I for one believe they are the future on AA and should be embraced

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